Query Grouping



I am hoping for a solution to a query problem I am having. I have a
query that uses 3 tables. There is an Orders, Products, and Funding
Doc tables. The query use a parameter on a CALL_NO. A "CALL_NO". can
have several "Item No"'s each possibly having a seperate "Plan No".
The query fires when a Report is opened. The report has a contract
form that is embedded in it. The form fields are populated by the
query. I want the query to Group on the CALL_No and return the "Total
Cost" of all Line items. I can get the grouping to work when the "Plan
No". is removed from the query. I am hoping to include the Plan_No's
in the query. TIA

[MVP] S.Clark

As you probably know by now, the way data is stored, is not always optimal
for reporting. There are many ways around this. One query is typically
difficult to use for a complex report, so using a table, created solely for
the report can help. Create the desired structure, then populate as needed.
While doing this, keep in mind that the Report Grouping functionality is
pretty sophisticated, and can really do a lot of the work for you.

I realize that this does not answer your specific question, but it should
rule out a couple of things for you, like:
1. Don't try to do it with just one query.
2. Don't try to do it with just the report functionality.

Do try to use multiple queries, a report table, AND/OR the report


Steve Clark, Access MVP
FMS, Inc.
Professional Solutions Group
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