Query Help: Max Value in A Row



I am trying to find the max value in a row in an Access Queriy. I originally
started with a table like one below with several values by date.

Code Date $Value 1 $ Value 2 $ Value 3

I then created a query that found the max value for each column grouped by
I now need to take that query and find the max value by code for each row.
My query looks like
Code $Value 1 $Value 2 $ Value 3. THe desired result is to find the
maximum dollar value for $Value 1 $Value 2 $ Value 3 for each code value.

I attempted to do this using the expression builder but it errored out. I
am not familar with SQL and was hoping I could perform this calculation
without SQL.

I would appreciate at any advice anyone could give me. THank you in advance
for your help.

Allen Browne

You could copy the MaxOfList() function from this webpage:
and then use it by typing something like this in the Field row of your
MaxOfList([$Value 1], [$ Value 2], [$ Value 3])

Of course, the better solution would be to use related records in another
table, rather than repeating fields as you have.

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