Query in Form



My first form allows the user to select a year group.
Based on this decision a second form is displayed. Within
this a combo box is displayed with a list of names. This
has been populated through a query based on the answer to
the first form.

What I want is for a persons AdminNumber (held in the
query) to be displayed when a persons name is selected
from the combo box.

Apologies for this maybe not making too much sense, hope
you understand the general sense of what I'm trying to get


John Vinson

What I want is for a persons AdminNumber (held in the
query) to be displayed when a persons name is selected
from the combo box.

Apologies for this maybe not making too much sense, hope
you understand the general sense of what I'm trying to get

If the AdminNumber is in the combo box's RowSource query, you can
display it on the form by adding a textbox with a Control Source of:


where n is the *zero based* subscript of the field - i.e. (2) would be
the third field in the query.

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