query & macro


Joseph A Balla

Working with query how can I set the range of the query of one of its fields
via a macro?

as it stands right now the query is refreshed when I open the spreadsheet
but I usually have to delete a few of the rows due to the fact that the
information is obsolete. so I do one of two things get out a calculator and
figure out my range that I need the query to gather the information from

but is there a way I can set this range with a macro.

I already have the macro do the math for me, but now I must apply the value
the sorting of the query

any help is good...

sorry for the rough & confusing question.

Otto Moehrbach

Your last sentence says it all. Post back and include what you have,
what you want Excel to do for you, and how you've been doing it manually.
Remember that none of us know anything about what you are doing. HTH

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