Query Multiple fields using wild cards

  • Thread starter nissankanissankanissankanissankanissanka
  • Start date


Can you create a querry to query multiple fields in different tables.
Eg: Say I have two tables one with ID, name, town, zip and another with ID,
Hobby, Gender, height.

I want to create a querry to find all male in zip starting with 03...,

ID Wild card to inclue any
Name Wild card to inclue any
Town Wild card to inclue any
gender Male
zip 03 and rest any number

[MVP] S.Clark

Homework assignment?? :D

Link the two tables together in the query window. Add all of the needed
fields to the query grid.

Add criteria as needed. You really don't need to put criteria on those
fields where you want to include any. For the zip, use"
Zip LIKE "03*"

Steve Clark, Access MVP
FMS, Inc.


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