The problem I have is that this database was already started and I am trying
to get it to work and going crazy. The person who started it had lookups for
Contacts and Organization. I removed those due to seeing comments about
lookup fields. Now I have different issues going on.
I have this query:
SELECT [CGR Projects].[Project#], [CGR Projects].ProjectDesc, [CGR
Projects].Organization, [CGR Contacts].Contact, [CGR Contacts].Title, [CGR
Contacts].Fname, [CGR Contacts].Lname, [CGR Contacts].Position, [CGR
Contacts].Phone, [CGR Contacts].Address1, [CGR Contacts].Address2, [CGR
Contacts].City, [CGR Contacts].State, [CGR Contacts].Zip, [CGR Contacts].Email
FROM [CGR Contacts] RIGHT JOIN [CGR Projects] ON [CGR Contacts].ClientID =
[CGR Projects].ClientID;
Only the Project# and ProjectDesc are displaying even though there are
contacts that should be there.
We are a non-profit research company that has Reports dated back to 1915.
They want to be able to have contact information related to the project and
report. I keep running into problems.
There are 5 Tables.
CGR Projects
CGR Clients (which holds all the organization names)
CGR Publications (which has all reports from 1915-now with Titles)
CGR Contacts (there is a project contact and a regular contact.)
I would be greatful for any help or input.
to get it to work and going crazy. The person who started it had lookups for
Contacts and Organization. I removed those due to seeing comments about
lookup fields. Now I have different issues going on.
I have this query:
SELECT [CGR Projects].[Project#], [CGR Projects].ProjectDesc, [CGR
Projects].Organization, [CGR Contacts].Contact, [CGR Contacts].Title, [CGR
Contacts].Fname, [CGR Contacts].Lname, [CGR Contacts].Position, [CGR
Contacts].Phone, [CGR Contacts].Address1, [CGR Contacts].Address2, [CGR
Contacts].City, [CGR Contacts].State, [CGR Contacts].Zip, [CGR Contacts].Email
FROM [CGR Contacts] RIGHT JOIN [CGR Projects] ON [CGR Contacts].ClientID =
[CGR Projects].ClientID;
Only the Project# and ProjectDesc are displaying even though there are
contacts that should be there.
We are a non-profit research company that has Reports dated back to 1915.
They want to be able to have contact information related to the project and
report. I keep running into problems.
There are 5 Tables.
CGR Projects
CGR Clients (which holds all the organization names)
CGR Publications (which has all reports from 1915-now with Titles)
CGR Contacts (there is a project contact and a regular contact.)
I would be greatful for any help or input.