Can you see what might be going on?
After the calculation to reassign MinQuantity, I would like to set LeadStart
as a null value. The Where part of the statement I would like to function for
when there is not a null value in leadstart and for when Inventory is greater
than MinQuantity.
UPDATE ToolData AS T SET T.MinQuantity =
(DSum("SignOutQuantity","ToolCribSignOut","[ToolCribDesignation] = '" &
T.ToolCribDesignation & "' AND [DateModified] >= DateSerial(Year(Date()),
Month(Date()) -3, Day(Date()))")/90)*1.2*DateDiff('d',[T.LeadStart],Date())
And T.LeadStart=""
WHERE (((T.LeadStart)<>[NZ] And T.Inventory>T.MinQuantity));
After the calculation to reassign MinQuantity, I would like to set LeadStart
as a null value. The Where part of the statement I would like to function for
when there is not a null value in leadstart and for when Inventory is greater
than MinQuantity.
UPDATE ToolData AS T SET T.MinQuantity =
(DSum("SignOutQuantity","ToolCribSignOut","[ToolCribDesignation] = '" &
T.ToolCribDesignation & "' AND [DateModified] >= DateSerial(Year(Date()),
Month(Date()) -3, Day(Date()))")/90)*1.2*DateDiff('d',[T.LeadStart],Date())
And T.LeadStart=""
WHERE (((T.LeadStart)<>[NZ] And T.Inventory>T.MinQuantity));