I am trying to capture all of the medication times in one
field and I am able to capture all of the "AM", "PM",
and "HS" times but I am not able to capture the BID or TID
which should report as "AM, PM" and "AM, PM, HS". To
capture each of these records in their respective fields I
am using a module and passing the values thru it. The
following is the module:
'This module groups the SIGCODE field critera and reports
all Dot medication times in one record
Function GetSCode(strCDC_NBR As String, strSig As String)
Dim strCriteria As String
strCriteria = "[CDC_NBR] = " & Chr(34) & strCDC_NBR & Chr
(34) & _
" And Right(SIGCODE,3) = " & Chr(34) & strSig & Chr(34)
GetSCode = Right(DLookup("SIGCODE", "PillLine1qry",
strCriteria), 2)
End Function
And I use the above module in the following expressions:
AM: GetSCode([CDC_NBR],"AM")
PM: GetSCode([CDC_NBR],"PM")
HS: GetSCode([CDC_NBR],"HS")
All three of the above work, the following two do not:
AMPM: GetSCode([CDC_NBR],"AM, PM")
I have experimented with the module but have had no sucess.
I do get the returns in SIGCODE field that the above
expressions are looking for, but the last two do not
report in the expression fields?
What do you think?
field and I am able to capture all of the "AM", "PM",
and "HS" times but I am not able to capture the BID or TID
which should report as "AM, PM" and "AM, PM, HS". To
capture each of these records in their respective fields I
am using a module and passing the values thru it. The
following is the module:
'This module groups the SIGCODE field critera and reports
all Dot medication times in one record
Function GetSCode(strCDC_NBR As String, strSig As String)
Dim strCriteria As String
strCriteria = "[CDC_NBR] = " & Chr(34) & strCDC_NBR & Chr
(34) & _
" And Right(SIGCODE,3) = " & Chr(34) & strSig & Chr(34)
GetSCode = Right(DLookup("SIGCODE", "PillLine1qry",
strCriteria), 2)
End Function
And I use the above module in the following expressions:
AM: GetSCode([CDC_NBR],"AM")
PM: GetSCode([CDC_NBR],"PM")
HS: GetSCode([CDC_NBR],"HS")
All three of the above work, the following two do not:
AMPM: GetSCode([CDC_NBR],"AM, PM")
I have experimented with the module but have had no sucess.
I do get the returns in SIGCODE field that the above
expressions are looking for, but the last two do not
report in the expression fields?
What do you think?