Query not out putting correclty?



The query below is used to populate a list box. Problem is the fields from
tblPMHlookUP; fldICD9code and fldTypeCode are comming up blank. This is
interesting as another field from tblPMHlookUP is showing up, that field is

I'm baffled here, any suggestions. Thanks, Rob

SELECT tblPmhDX.fldPmhDxNo, tblPmhDX.fldPINO, tblPmhDX.fldDXLUno,
tblPMHlookUp.fldICD9code, tblPMHlookUp.fldDxDescription,
tblPmhDX.fldDateAware, tblPmhDX.fldDateResolved, tblPmhDX.fldReasonResolved,
tblPmhDX.fldNotes, tblPMHlookUp.fldTypeCode
FROM tblPmhDX INNER JOIN tblPMHlookUp ON tblPmhDX.fldDXLUno =

Jerry Whittle

It's an inner join so there needs to be at least one matching record in each
table. That makes one wonder why the fields are blank.

Have you checked the two fields in question to make sure that there's data
in them?

What kind of data is in them? Possibly there is a line feed, paragraph
break, or tab at the very beginning of a text or memo field causing the data
to go off screen.

Mabe a lot of leading spaces? Try putting a Trim function around them like:

Are there lookup fields on those two fields? Subdata sheets?

If none of the above, I'd do a compact and repair to see if there's a
corruption problem.


Thanks for your reply, I appreciate it.

The answer to your q's is none of the above. the fields that come from
tblPMHlookUp; fldICD9code and fldTypeCode are populated just as the
fldDXdescription (also from tblPMHlookUP), but don't show any data. Very
strange. If I query the tblPMHlookUP without the join from tblPMHDX, the data

Any other ideas. Thanks, Rob

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