Query not showing all records. NEED HELP!!



I built a DB with a query call Full-Time Query. This query shows all clients
who are working full-time. Now, just for testing purposes, I removed the
"Yes" from the criteria cell to leave all criteria cells blank. It should
then show all records in my DB, Right? But it doesn't. It only shows the
records where the "Full-Time Checkbox" is checked. For starters, I have 6
clients in my DB, 2 of which or not employed (Neither Full-Time or Part-Time
is checked). How do I get my query to show all records using this query.

Plus I want to use a similar query to find all the client who are un-employed.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Ofer Cohen

First, check the Filter property of the query (It doesnt apear in the SQL),
you might have saved a filter you used while the query run.

If it doesn't work, copy the SQL to a new query and try it


My query is based on three tables (Client Info, Employee, Employer Codes).
I'm using 3 fields from the Client Info tbl (Fname, Lname, Group), 1 boolean
field from the Employee tbl (FTime-this is a check box option), and two from
the Employer Codes tbl (EmpCodeNum, Employer). It still doesn't seem to work
as expected

When I only use the Client Info tbl, all records show up, but when I add the
other two tbl's, the query only shows the emploed clients.

Ofer Cohen

If one of the tables contain only emploed clients and you linked both tables
using Inner join that will remove all the Unemploed clients.
You need to change the link between the tables to Left/Right Join

Click on the line that connect both tables (dbl click), in the dialog box
open select the link between the tables to show all the records that are in
the main table, and the related records from the second table

If you need more help, please post the SQL


The SQL Cannot be excecuted because of ambigous outer joins.
The SQL is:
SELECT [Client Info].FName, [Client Info].LName, [Client Info].Group,
Employee.FTime, [Employer Codes].EmpCodeNum, [Employer Codes].Employer
FROM [Employer Codes] INNER JOIN ([Client Info] LEFT JOIN Employee ON
[Client Info].ClientID = Employee.ClientID) ON [Employer Codes].EmpCodeID =


that helps, but the names of the un-employed clients don't show and there are
Employer Codes and Employer names in the fields that should be blank.

How can this problem be fixed??

tflett said:
The SQL Cannot be excecuted because of ambigous outer joins.
The SQL is:
SELECT [Client Info].FName, [Client Info].LName, [Client Info].Group,
Employee.FTime, [Employer Codes].EmpCodeNum, [Employer Codes].Employer
FROM [Employer Codes] INNER JOIN ([Client Info] LEFT JOIN Employee ON
[Client Info].ClientID = Employee.ClientID) ON [Employer Codes].EmpCodeID =

Ofer Cohen said:
If one of the tables contain only emploed clients and you linked both tables
using Inner join that will remove all the Unemploed clients.
You need to change the link between the tables to Left/Right Join

Click on the line that connect both tables (dbl click), in the dialog box
open select the link between the tables to show all the records that are in
the main table, and the related records from the second table

If you need more help, please post the SQL

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