Query of Passage, when and how to use?


Frank Dulk

Just to perfect the knowledge, after a research, I didn't find very clear
regarding query of Passage.

The more experts could give your depositions of when it uses such
consultation type and if possible an example of how to use.

The definition is this: consults passage: a specific consultation of SQL
used to send commands directly for a database server ODBC. Using
consultations passage, you work directly with the tables in the server,
instead of the database mechanism Microsoft Jet to process the data.)

Thank you.

Michel Walsh


It can be use, as example, in the case where JET could not, or should
not, try to interpret the SQL statement to be executed by another database
engine. As example, JET does not know the keyword CUBE, but MS SQL Server
does, so, a pass-through query would be use if you need a CUBE to be
executed on MS SQL Server, since, at most, JET can only be of some use if
there is some data that come back, after MS SQL Server would have executed
the CUBE command on data already known by MS SQL Server... because the data
should be already available at the database engine to which you pass the
command through Jet (without Jet interactions while sending of the command).
You cannot, as example, send a CUBE command to MS SQL Server to data only
known by JET.

Both the command, and the data, should be already known by the engine to
which you pass (through Jet), and the pass-through is used when you do not
want JET to help in the execution itself of the command (but Jet can handle
the data coming back, if any).

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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