"pjscott" <wrote:
Is there a book, manual or web site where I can find this type of info?
the Books OnLine that comes with
SQL Server puts Access help to shame
(although I don't think that the topic
of your post is specifically covered).
When I first started in, I went up and
spent a week at Tom Ellison's. If you
can find some user group in your area,
there's nothing better than someone
who has already been through it.
Since returning, I have bought a bunch
of books.
The one that I used the most initially
was Mary Chipman/Andy Baron's
"Microsoft Access Developer's Guide
to SQLServer" 0-672-31944-6
As I got deeper into things, I keep
learning from Ken Henderson's two
Guru's Guides
"..to Transact-SQL"
"..to SQL Server, Stored Procedures,
XML, and HTML"
I also got a subscription to
"SQL Server Magazine"
but, nowadays, they are mostly
covering 2005 which helps me
not for my job.
I really don't have that much time to
just sit down and read so when I hit
a problem, I will usually Google it first,
then if that doesn't work, go through
BO, then books above. I cannot claim
to having completely read every single
page of the books above, but they have
worked well for finding solutions.
All along I have also kept a "cheat sheet"
that I add to when I find something.
If you are interested, I can post it here,
but it is quite long and word wrap will
probably make some things garbled.
good luck,