Hi everybody.
This is my first post in this newgroup I'm not a guru in Access
I have some 99 dbase 5 files in the folder C:\myFolder. Each dbase file is
named PoubX where X is 1 to 99. All these files have the same fields. I
also have a ms access table named Customer. The dbase files and the Access
table have a common field i call Join_Field.
What I want to do is
1- To import all the dbf records that match the condition (Field_1 =
Value_1 AND Field_2 = Value_2) and Customer.Join_Field = DbfFile.Join_Field.
The following query is the one I used in VBA for the first part of my goal.
For X = 1 to 99
myQuery = "SELECT * FROM Poub" & X & " IN " _
& Chr$(34) & Chr$(34) & "[dBASE IV; DATABASE=C:\myFolder;]" _
& " WHERE Field_1 = "Value_1" AND Field_2=Value_2 ;"
Next X
How can I implement the jointure ?
This is my first post in this newgroup I'm not a guru in Access
I have some 99 dbase 5 files in the folder C:\myFolder. Each dbase file is
named PoubX where X is 1 to 99. All these files have the same fields. I
also have a ms access table named Customer. The dbase files and the Access
table have a common field i call Join_Field.
What I want to do is
1- To import all the dbf records that match the condition (Field_1 =
Value_1 AND Field_2 = Value_2) and Customer.Join_Field = DbfFile.Join_Field.
The following query is the one I used in VBA for the first part of my goal.
For X = 1 to 99
myQuery = "SELECT * FROM Poub" & X & " IN " _
& Chr$(34) & Chr$(34) & "[dBASE IV; DATABASE=C:\myFolder;]" _
& " WHERE Field_1 = "Value_1" AND Field_2=Value_2 ;"
Next X
How can I implement the jointure ?