Query or Report Calculations (Access 2007)




Someone has probably figured this out, and I need your help on two issues:.

I am working on a Time & Billing database in Access 2007. I have several
tables, but I'll keep it simple.

Let's work with three tables: Customer, ServiceCategory, and TimeEntry.

The TimeEntry table has the following fields:
Date, CustomerID, JobHours, Billed(Y/N box), ServiceCategory

I have no problem setting up a Query to select a single customer and
producing a list of unbilled time (unticked box) for that customer and
providing me with a total of unbilled hours.

Issue 1:
I would like to produce a table or report that shows the following for the
single Customer:
Date, ServiceCategory, UnbilledJobHours, CumulativeUnbilledJobHours.

The amount in the last row of the CumulativeUnbilledJobHours would = the
total at the bottom of the UnbilledJobHours column. How can I do this?

Issue 2:
After viewing the UnbilledJobHours listed for a single customer, I decide to
bill some of the hours. What I would like to do is to enter for that
customer a minus amount of hours in the TimeEntry table and tick the
Billed(Y/N box) box for those rows being billed as well as for the minus
amount. By doing this my next Query for unbilled time would only list the
rows of unbilled hours.

Is there an easy and elegant way to handle issues 1 & 2?

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