Query or User errors


Dos Equis

Hi all,

I have a database designed to track subscribers to our paper, print
lists of subscribers for the carriers, print a pay request for our
accountant, track payments from our subscribers and I'm sure several
other things I have yet to realize. I'll try to briefly describe
them so that you can visualize the tables and relationships.

tbl_Fees: defines the type and price of our subscriptions; yearly, in
town, $48; yearly, mailed, $75; 6 month mailed...

tbl_Payment: tracks payments made by our subscribers; date, amount,
year made...

tbl_Carrier: carriers contracted to deliver residential and commercial
delivery; first and last name.

tbl_Area: areas of town we deliver along with how many homes and
subscribers are in this area; Las Alturas, 983, 16, commercial_1, 0,
189, Mail...

tbl_Complaint: complaints received from subscribers tracked by

tbl_Yes/No: a table which tracks all check boxes for a subscriber;
mailed, complimentary, commercial...

tbl_State: a lookup table for state abbreviations, it also enforces

tbl_SubscriberData: the monster; all subscriber data and notes so I
know whom I'm dealing with and their particulars.

The good news, with some test data (Old subscribers data) in the db,
all relationships work, are one to many and allow referential
integrity. My problem so far is queries. I seem to not know anything
about making them work. I've been reading "Using Access 2000"
and have ordered "Access 2000 developers handbook" but at the
moment, I'm stuck with F1 and a prayer as UA2K isn't helping and
A2KDH hasn't arrived.

The few I've tried return no entries and no error code so I'm sure
I've goofed somewhere.

Mainly, I'm trying to print my lists for the carriers and I'd like
to have several items on each report. 1) List of subscribers, 2) Do not
delivers, 3) Last week's complaints. These should be sorted so by
area as well so that as they are driving down a street, if they happen
to look at the list, it makes sense. Also if it is possible to order
them by preferred route, I'd like to know how to do it. In addition,
all Do not delivers should be printed red along with complaints and any
address that has been on the list less than two weeks should be
highlighted yellow.
Thanks for ANY help you can provide and I'd be just as happy to look
at other resources if any are available. TIA,


Jerry Whittle

There's only one practical way for us to know: Show us the SQL. Open the
query in design view. Next go to View, SQL View and copy and past it here.
Information on primary keys and relationships would be a nice touch too.

Having said that, I bet that you are doing inner joins where you need to do
left or right joins.

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