query protection


Ranjit kurian

I want to protect my query part in MS Access database from other user,
people can easily read my query in a design mode and can do any changes in

The query should work when we run it, but it should not to be viewed in
design mode.

Allways the query should ask a password to view in design mode.

Please advise me.

Paul Doree

You need to implement Access security to lock down queries from design
changes. Even then, you won't be able to password protect an individual
query in the way I think you mean (i.e. ask for a password when attempting
to open the query).

You'll need to give users a level of access to the databse which allows them
to modify individual obects (or not!)


Ranjit kurian

Hi paul,

Thanks for the information, but can you please explain in breif the path to
protect query from design mode.

either the query should ask password or it should be protected fom a desing
mode, any such options do we have.

What should i do to implement the Access security , please advise me.

Paul Doree

Hi Ranjit.

Access security is a big topic to get into, but it sounds like you need to
go don the path...

Here's a link to a very informative document:


I used this as a starting point and it really helped. Beware, though, that
it will consume a good deal of your time initially to get to grips with it.

Good luck and if I can be of further help, mail me at paul dot doree1 at
virgin dot net (address disguised - substitute the dots and at with . and @)


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