Query Question...


Hank Stalica

I have a database that has two tables, let's call them TableA and
TableB. Further, I created QueryA. QueryA pulls fields Name from
TableA and amount from TableB.

When I run the query, I can display TableA.Name and TableB.Amount, but I
can't edit either of them. Why is this? When I type, it just beeps at me.

I suspect it has to do with the relationships, but I'm not sure how to
join them.

I tried creating TableC and then linking it to both TableA and TableB
and adding the common field to QueryA, and still no luck.

What am I doing wrong? Is it not possible to pull info from two/three
different tables and edit it through a query?

Best Regards,



Hank Stalica said:
I have a database that has two tables, let's call them TableA and
TableB. Further, I created QueryA. QueryA pulls fields Name from
TableA and amount from TableB.

When I run the query, I can display TableA.Name and TableB.Amount, but I
can't edit either of them. Why is this? When I type, it just beeps at me.

I suspect it has to do with the relationships, but I'm not sure how to
join them.

I tried creating TableC and then linking it to both TableA and TableB
and adding the common field to QueryA, and still no luck.

What am I doing wrong? Is it not possible to pull info from two/three
different tables and edit it through a query?

Best Regards,


I am assuming that there is a common field on TableA and TableB, and that
you have joined them with a join line in the query designer. In order for
the resulting query to be editable, the common field must be the primary key
on ONE of the two tables.

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