Query: Recordset is not updateable

  • Thread starter Mus' via AccessMonster.com
  • Start date

Mus' via AccessMonster.com


I have a query that is not updateable in either the query or form views. Any
assistance would be appreciated.

SELECT subtblClientPolicies.ClientPolicyID, subtblClientPolicies.ClientID,
subtblClientPolicies.PortfolioID, subtblClientPolicies.ProviderID,
subtblClientPolicies.ClientPolicyType, subtblClientPolicies.ClientPolicyNo,
subtblClientPolicies.ClientPolicyPremium, subtblClientPolicies.
ClientPolicyPremiumFreq, subtblClientPolicies.ClientPolicyPolicyFee,
subtblClientPolicies.ClientPolicyBOSpread, subtblClientPolicies.
ClientPolicyCUC, subtblClientPolicies.ClientPolicyERP, subtblClientPolicies.
ClientPolicyDeathBen, subtblClientPolicies.ClientPolicyRetireAge,
subtblClientPolicies.ClientPolicyKFRef, subtblClientPolicies.
ClientTransferSum, subtblClientPolicies.PolicyID, subtblClientPolicies.
ClientPolicyCPB, subtblClientPolicies.ClientPolicyStartDate,
qryPortfolioValueLatest.PortValueProviderAMCpc, qryPortfolioValueLatest.
PortValueIFAAMCpc, qryClientPolicyTotalValues.SumOfCPFVValue,
FROM (subtblClientPolicies LEFT JOIN qryPortfolioValueLatest ON
subtblClientPolicies.PortfolioID = qryPortfolioValueLatest.PortfolioID) LEFT
JOIN qryClientPolicyTotalValues ON subtblClientPolicies.ClientPolicyID =

subtblClientPolicies - PrimaryKey = ClientPolicyID. In this table you select
the associated portfolio. This then relates the policy to tblPorfolios using
its PrimaryKey of PortfolioID.

qryPortfolioValueLatest - takes the most recent AMC data from
qryClientPolicyTotalValues - total up the latest policy fund values from
subtblClientPolicyFundValues (relateded by policyID) and totals them up. The
total of the policy funds = the policy total value (SumOfCPFVValue).

The purpose of the query is to tie up the policy details with its latest
value and the AMC's from its associated portfolio.

Thanks in advance.

Duane Hookom

It sounds like at least one "participating" query is a totals query. This
suggests your query will not be editable.

Mus' via AccessMonster.com

Indeed, the policy total value (SumOfCPFVValue).
As this is just to display I have now dropped this and will use a subfrm for

The problem still remained with the qryPortfolioValueLatest data but have got
around this by setting the forms RecordSet Tye to Dynaset (Inconsistent

What a pain.

Thanks anyway.

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