query / remove duplucates



I have a VERY simple query that I want to run, but cannot seem to make
it work.

I have ONE table that I want to query 2 fields from.


There are duplicate publication_Name fields. I've tried to group by
and use other methods of keeping only ONE of each publication_Name to
go with the corresponding publication_URL.
How can I do this?

michael munson
(e-mail address removed)

Jeff Boyce

Are you saying you wish to see only unique combinations of publication_NAME
and _URL? If so, create a simple select query in design mode. Right-click
in the empty grey space in the top window and select Properties. Change the
Unique Values property to "Yes".


I realized after I posted that my question is a little more than simply
removing duplicates.

Current data (simplied) is:

ID# Publication URL
1 A http://www.aaa.com/abc
2 A http://www.aaa.com/cde
3 A Http://www.aaa.com/fgg
4 B http://www.bbb.com/abc
5 B http://www.bbb.com/def
6 C http://www.ccc.com/abc
7 C http://www.ccc.com/edg
8 C http://www.ccc.com/hij

What I want to out put is:

Publication URL
A http://www.aaa.com/
B http://www.bbb.com/
C http://www.ccc.com/
How can I do this?


michael munson

Jeff Boyce


If I have correctly inferred from your example, you want to strip off the
characters at the end of each string, starting with the "/", then get unique
values of what's left.

If this is correct, I would use two steps:
the query would create a list of the "stripped" strings
then I'd set the Unique Values property

Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

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