query/report subtraction



Hello All,
I have 2 qrys and have a total production number. the fields names
are the same but in two different qrys. what i'm trying to do is to display
the final number by subtracting the 1 field in the 1st qry from the other
field in the other qry and display it in a report. I tried to do it the
report but it didn't work, then I tried the qry but it still not working, any


Jeff Boyce


Please post the SQL statement of the query in which you tried this.

If your two queries have the same field names, you will need to explicitly
tell Access which query to take each field from.

For example, you might need to use something that looks like:

Difference: Query1!Field1 - Query2!Field1

in your query.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

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