Query returns nothing



What is wrong with this query?

SELECT TblDailyCodes.Code, TblDailyCodes.Classroom, TblDailyCodes.Date,
DateValue([Date]) AS NewDate
FROM TblDailyCodes
WHERE (((TblDailyCodes.Date) Is Not Null) AND

I get no records - even though I know there are some there. If I remove the
AND part of the query I get records but I only want those records whose
[NewDate] is today. Thanks for your help.


I several things --
There is no such field as TblDailyCodes.NewDate - NewDate is a product of
this query.
Try this --
SELECT TblDailyCodes.Code, TblDailyCodes.Classroom, TblDailyCodes.Date
FROM TblDailyCodes
WHERE DateValue(TblDailyCodes.Date) = Date();

Also you should not have a field named Date as it is a reserved word and may
cause other problems.

Lord Kelvan

your query is trying to return dates that are todays date are you sure
you have values that are against todays date and is


a field in


because if not then
will not work

also you cannot compare datevalue() to date()

you need to do this


or if you are american



SELECT Code, Classroom, format([date],"dd/mm/yyyy")
FROM TblDailyCodes
WHERE [Date] Is Not Null AND format([date],"dd/mm/yyyy") = date()


SELECT Code, Classroom, [date]
FROM TblDailyCodes
WHERE [Date] Is Not Null AND format([date],"dd/mm/yyyy") = date()

if you want to display the date and time

hope this helps


John Spencer

MY GUESS is that tblDailyCodes.NewDate contains a date with a time. One
way that will happen is if you use Now() to assign a value to the field.

Try the following:

SELECT TblDailyCodes.Code, TblDailyCodes.Classroom, TblDailyCodes.Date,
DateValue([Date]) AS NewDate
FROM TblDailyCodes
WHERE TblDailyCodes.[Date]>=Date() AND tblDailyCodes.[Date] < Date() +1

That should get any records that exist for the current date. BY the
way, using DATE as a field name is a bad idea. It can lead to confusion
on whether you mean the field named date or the function named date.
Normally, I use some descriptor on field names like SaleDate, BirthDate,
ActionDate, etc.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Ken Sheridan

I wouldn't be too happy assuming a regional date setting. You could format
both parts of the operation:

WHERE FORMAT([Date],"yyyy-mm-dd")=FORMAT(DATE(),"yyyy-mm-dd")

but my preference would be to avoid formatting with:

WHERE [Date]>=DATE() AND [Date]<DATE()+1

or if you don't like simple date arithmetic:

WHERE [Date]>=DATE() AND [Date]<DATEADD("d",1,DATE())

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England


This worked. Thank you! I was creating [NewDate] in order to strip out the
time because [Date] had the time in it. However, your query makes more sense
and I no longer need the [Newdate] field. I also took everyone's suggestion
who replied to this question and changed the [Date] field to something else.
Thanks everyone!

John Spencer said:
MY GUESS is that tblDailyCodes.NewDate contains a date with a time. One
way that will happen is if you use Now() to assign a value to the field.

Try the following:

SELECT TblDailyCodes.Code, TblDailyCodes.Classroom, TblDailyCodes.Date,
DateValue([Date]) AS NewDate
FROM TblDailyCodes
WHERE TblDailyCodes.[Date]>=Date() AND tblDailyCodes.[Date] < Date() +1

That should get any records that exist for the current date. BY the
way, using DATE as a field name is a bad idea. It can lead to confusion
on whether you mean the field named date or the function named date.
Normally, I use some descriptor on field names like SaleDate, BirthDate,
ActionDate, etc.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

What is wrong with this query?

SELECT TblDailyCodes.Code, TblDailyCodes.Classroom, TblDailyCodes.Date,
DateValue([Date]) AS NewDate
FROM TblDailyCodes
WHERE (((TblDailyCodes.Date) Is Not Null) AND

I get no records - even though I know there are some there. If I remove the
AND part of the query I get records but I only want those records whose
[NewDate] is today. Thanks for your help.

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