I am wondering if it is possible to write a query in VBA and return the
results in a format that I can use to populate a Word document. Examples
would be great!
I'm using Word 2003 and SQL 2000 Server.
Thanks in advance,
Linn -
Yes, it is possible and it's not really difficult. You can use a
number of methods - search the VBA help and online for ADODB and DAO
You first connect to a db, however. Look at
to get the right connectin string for SQL Server
The examples below are pretty simple ...
rgds - voudouJoe
Public Function RunSQL(Optional strSQL)
Dim SQLrecordset As ADODB.Recordset
If DBconn Is Nothing Then DBconn_open
Set SQLrecordset = New ADODB.Recordset
SQLrecordset.Open strSQL, DBconn
Set RunSQL = SQLrecordset
Set SQLrecordset = Nothing
End Function
Public Sub DBconn_open(Optional DBLocation, Optional ChooseDB)
Dim fs As Object, DBpath As String, DBFile As String
'create a new db connection; DBconn is public
Set DBconn = New ADODB.Connection
'create a fs object to BUILDPATH and get db settings from registry
'search VBA help for GetSetting and SaveSetting functions
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If IsMissing(DBLocation) Then DBpath = GetSetting(appName,
"Settings", "curDBpath")
If IsMissing(ChooseDB) Then DBFile = GetSetting(appName,
"Settings", "curDBfilename")
'create the final db connection to MS database
With DBconn
.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" &
fs.buildpath(DBpath, DBFile)
End With
End Sub
'close the db when ready
Public Sub DBconn_close()
Set DBconn = Nothing
End Sub
'Const DBname As String = "PROD"
'Const DBuid As String = "username"
'Const DBpwd As String = "password"
''ADODB for ODBC Connections
''open the db connection
'Sub DBconn_open()
' 'use apublic variable so the connection stays open even if the
vbs instance ends
' Set DBconn = New ADODB.Connection
' DBconn.ConnectionString = "DSN=" & DBname & ";uid=" & DBuid &
";pwd=" & DBpwd
' DBconn.Open
'End Sub
''close the db when ready
'Sub DBconn_close()
' DBconn.Close
'End Sub