query string when fieldname includes hyphen


Mike Williams

I have a vba query string that errors when I include a field with a name
that includes a hyphen, like so:

ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.QueryString = _
"SELECT * FROM `" & sourcepage & "$` WHERE " _
& "(`Student` IS NOT NULL)" _
& "AND (`Student` <> 0) " _
& "AND (`T-Raw` > 1) " _
& "AND (`email` IS NOT NULL)"

If I include the line with the field T-Raw, it errors, even though that is
indeed a valid field. If I delete that line, it runs fine.

How can I construct this string without changing the datasource field name?



Put square brackets around it. ... AND ([T-Raw] > 1) ...
This method is also used if the field name (or table name, for that matter)
is a reserved word (like Field or Date) or contains spaces. It does no harm
*always* to insert square brackets, and adds a measure of robustness to your

Table and field names in SQL statements don't normally have quotes around


Great. I'll try it. The quotes I thought were standard, in fact a
peculiar kind of quote created easiest by means of the macro recorder.
Didn't know about the brackets.

Mike Williams

Tried it. Didn't work. The code below produced the same error using
brackets as it did using the quotes. Any other thoughts? Something I

ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.QueryString = _
"SELECT * FROM `" & sourcepage & "$` WHERE " _
& "(`Student` IS NOT NULL)" _
& "AND (`Student` <> 0) " _
& "AND ([T-Raw] > 1)" _
& "AND (`No` > 100)" _
& "AND (`email` IS NOT NULL)"

Mike Williams
wrote in

Mike Williams

Surprisingly enough, I discovered that by just leaving out the hyphen, it
works fine--like so:
& "AND (`TRaw` > 1) " _
Go figure.

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