Query that retuns nothing - HELP :-)



I am having a very difficult time with a query.. It work before and I have
taken out any changes that I made and now it does not work. HELP please

This is the basic select query that selects data.

SELECT F4F_SubStudioDetails.Date, F4F_SubStudioDetails.Studio,
FROM F4F_SubStudioDetails
WHERE (((F4F_SubStudioDetails.Date)=#3/16/2008#));

When I ad another table that is joined by the fields [Studio] I get no
results at all.. The join typ is one-to-many as the table STUDIOS has all of
the personal data for the Data table SubStudioDetails.

SELECT F4F_SubStudioDetails.Date, F4F_SubStudioDetails.Studio,
FROM studios INNER JOIN F4F_SubStudioDetails ON studios.Studio =
WHERE (((F4F_SubStudioDetails.Date)=#3/16/2008#));

Please tell me what I am doing wrong.. This is driving me crazy..

Like I said it worked before and I have no idea what I did to screw it up.

Thanks in advance bob

John W. Vinson

I am having a very difficult time with a query.. It work before and I have
taken out any changes that I made and now it does not work. HELP please

This is the basic select query that selects data.

SELECT F4F_SubStudioDetails.Date, F4F_SubStudioDetails.Studio,
FROM F4F_SubStudioDetails
WHERE (((F4F_SubStudioDetails.Date)=#3/16/2008#));

When I ad another table that is joined by the fields [Studio] I get no
results at all.. The join typ is one-to-many as the table STUDIOS has all of
the personal data for the Data table SubStudioDetails.

SELECT F4F_SubStudioDetails.Date, F4F_SubStudioDetails.Studio,
FROM studios INNER JOIN F4F_SubStudioDetails ON studios.Studio =
WHERE (((F4F_SubStudioDetails.Date)=#3/16/2008#));

Please tell me what I am doing wrong.. This is driving me crazy..

Like I said it worked before and I have no idea what I did to screw it up.

Thanks in advance bob

For one thing, the fieldname Date is a reserved word for the built in "today's
date" function Date(). For another - might F4F_SubStudioDetails.Date contain a
time portion? If what's stored in the table is #3/16/2008 11:42:16am# you will
not get a match. You'll need a criterion such as

WHERE F4F_SubStudioDetails.Date>=[Enter date:] AND F4F_SubStudioDetails.Date <
DateAdd("d", 1, [Enter date:])

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