Query to append a field to a record if another field matches



Hi I need to know what I need to do to make my query do something like this:

IIf([MailMerger]![ShipToName] = [MailMergerClub]![ShipToName], (append only
the fields [Club] and [ClubPrice] to current record), (append all fields to
new record)

However I cant figure the code for what I put in parenthesis. Both
MailMerger and MailMergerClub have the same fields. There is already alot
going on to get this far.

I start with an orders table filled with yesterdays orders. I need to pull
out certain records based on product ordered, orderids and approve status.
After that I need 4 new fields: Purchased, NextPurchase, Club and ClubPrice.
I do all but the Club and Club Price with a Make Table query (Purchased,
NextPurchase, Club and ClubPrice are all based on the records in my Product
SKU table, where not all records have an entry. I cant do the clubs at the
same time as the Purchased fields because the criteria (Like "*") messes
things up when placed in two seperate fields) Here is the SQL for my Make
Table query:

SELECT DailyOrders.OrderDate, DailyOrders.ProductsOrdered,
DailyOrders.OrderId, DailyOrders.ShipToName, DailyOrders.ShipToAddress1,
DailyOrders.ShipToAddress2, DailyOrders.ShipToCity, DailyOrders.ShipToState,
DailyOrders.ShipToZip, DailyOrders.ShipToCountry, DailyOrders.Email,
DailyOrders.Phone, DailyOrders.HowHeard, [Product SKU].Purchased, [Product
SKU].NextPurchase, [Product SKU].Club, [Product SKU].ClubPrice AS Price INTO
FROM [Product SKU], DailyOrders
WHERE (((DailyOrders.ProductsOrdered)<>"Fico Fixer Book - $97 Value - Free"
And (DailyOrders.ProductsOrdered)<>"Fico Fixer Book - $97 Value - FREE To The
First 70 Subscribers Only") AND ((DailyOrders.OrderId)<1000000000) AND
((DailyOrders.ShipToName) Not Like "*Richard*Geller*") AND (([Product
SKU].Purchased) Like "*") AND ((DailyOrders.SKU)=[Product SKU]![sku]) AND
((DailyOrders.ApproveStatus) Like "*Accepted*"))
ORDER BY DailyOrders.ShipToName;

After that I run an Append query to append the Club fields. The only
difference between the Make Table Query and the Append Query in the criteria
(Like "*") is in the Club field. Right now my Append query simply appends all
the records into the table, causing duplicates. Thats where I want the query
to check ShipToName and if its the same, to simple Append to that record
instead of makeing a new record. If it helps here is the SQL for my Append
query (The only differences are that its an Append query and the Like "*" is
in the Club field):

INSERT INTO MailMerger ( OrderDate, ProductsOrdered, OrderId, ShipToName,
ShipToAddress1, ShipToAddress2, ShipToCity, ShipToState, ShipToZip,
ShipToCountry, Email, Phone, HowHeard, Purchased, NextPurchase, Club, Price )
SELECT DailyOrders.OrderDate, DailyOrders.ProductsOrdered,
DailyOrders.OrderId, DailyOrders.ShipToName, DailyOrders.ShipToAddress1,
DailyOrders.ShipToAddress2, DailyOrders.ShipToCity, DailyOrders.ShipToState,
DailyOrders.ShipToZip, DailyOrders.ShipToCountry, DailyOrders.Email,
DailyOrders.Phone, DailyOrders.HowHeard, [Product SKU].Purchased, [Product
SKU].NextPurchase, [Product SKU].Club, [Product SKU].ClubPrice AS Price
FROM [Product SKU], DailyOrders
WHERE (((DailyOrders.ProductsOrdered)<>"Fico Fixer Book - $97 Value - Free"
And (DailyOrders.ProductsOrdered)<>"Fico Fixer Book - $97 Value - FREE To The
First 70 Subscribers Only") AND ((DailyOrders.OrderId)<1000000000) AND
((DailyOrders.ShipToName) Not Like "*Richard*Geller*") AND (([Product
SKU].Club) Like "*") AND ((DailyOrders.SKU)=[Product SKU]![sku]) AND
((DailyOrders.ApproveStatus) Like "*Accepted*"))
ORDER BY DailyOrders.ShipToName;

I know this is a little confusing but I tried to make it clear what I need
help with, if there are any questions Id be glad to help fill you in better.
Thanks in advance,

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