schwallyhoo said:
I have a query which for simplicity we will say, although it has
multiple fields, the principle would be the same.
ID, AreaCode (both text fields)
In the form
As you can see, some locations will appear more than once, and what I
need to do is run a query so I can pick up every instance of TPXX for
location 6102 and 6205 etc.
I'm not sure what you mean by "etc", which means "and others" What "others"?
The entire list of possible area codes? If so, no need to filter the data at
all ... just select them all.
That seems too simple, so I am going to ignore the "etc" for now.
I have a master list of location codes and I imagine the best way to
do it would be to run through the location codes sequentially, use
some sort of "does it exist" in the location string and if so append
it to a table, cycling through all of the locations?
Err ... no
I'm puzzled. You have a list of all the possible location codes, correct? So
it would appear that you want to simply select all the records ...
That makes no sense ... wait! I think I see what you want (it would have
been helpful if you had provided your desired results in tabular form the
way you presented your sample data):
AreaCode ID
6102 TP21
6102 TP34
6102 TP54
6205 TP34
6205 TP65
6205 TP54
6107 TP54
6209 TP54
To get only the records where AreaCode contains "6102" you would use LIKE
with a wildcard criterion:
Select ID,AreaCode FROM yourtable
WHERE AreaCode LIKE "*6102*"
This might give the wrong answer if an area code like 361025 could exist. I
doubt that's a possibility, but if I'm wrong, you need to include the commas
in your criterion, like this:
Select ID,AreaCode FROM yourtable
WHERE "," & AreaCode & "," LIKE "*,6102,*"
To use the master table, you need to use what is called a "non-equi" join,
which can only be created in the SQL view of a query builder. You need to be
careful never to switch to Design view, because your join criteria will be
lost. Anyways, the query would look like this:
SELECT m.AreaCode, y.ID
FROM MasterTable as m JOIN yourtable as y
ON y.AreaCode LIKE "*" & m.AreaCode & "*"
If yourtable has a lot of records in it, you are going to find performance
to be pretty poor. This comes down to your design decision to store data in
comma-delimited lists instead of in records where they belong. This query
would have been both easy to write and quick to perform if you had used the
correct design for yourtable in the first place. The correct design looks
pretty much like the desired results I provided above. If you put an index
on the AreaCode field in that design, it pretty much would not matter how
many records there are.