dear respected sir,
i have so much strange behavior of access queries using through VBA
here is the structure of tables
- tblMaster(where PK is PolicNo)
- tblDetails
so there is 1-TO-many relation between above tables. when the policy
issues, user has to enter details of vehciles under details table.now
every end of year we have to renew policies of clients, so master
policies i renew using deuplicate record method
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 8, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 2, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 5, , acMenuVer70 'Paste Append
so what happend i take input user to renew(re-issue) with current
details of new policy and keep stores as new record. now the question
raised how to renew details. as details can't renew all in one shot
with above codes...
so i write a query that inster record via variable(policyno) and select
from previous policy(as variable) and insert into it.
now the above relation is cascade-update/intergrity enforce...if i keep
this relation it never works, and if i removed it start working can any
one put highlight and share ideas of self query/co-query how to do
this...as i try 100 of methods never success in this
i do have integrity issues, however b4 this i never faced this, can any
one tell with aliases explample if the same table is select and same
table v hve to insert/append what is the best practise method
Public Function Motor_Policy_Insert(strNewPolicy As String,
strOldPolicy As String)
strSQL = "INSERT INTO [tbldetails] (
POLICYNO,PlateNo,InsuredAmt,Premium" & _
" SELECT " & _
" '" & strNewPolicy & "',PlateNo,InsuredAmt,Premium" & _
" FROM tbldetails " & _
" WHERE ((([tblpolicy.POLICYNO)='" & strOldPolicy & "')); "
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
End Function
i have so much strange behavior of access queries using through VBA
here is the structure of tables
- tblMaster(where PK is PolicNo)
- tblDetails
so there is 1-TO-many relation between above tables. when the policy
issues, user has to enter details of vehciles under details table.now
every end of year we have to renew policies of clients, so master
policies i renew using deuplicate record method
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 8, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 2, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 5, , acMenuVer70 'Paste Append
so what happend i take input user to renew(re-issue) with current
details of new policy and keep stores as new record. now the question
raised how to renew details. as details can't renew all in one shot
with above codes...
so i write a query that inster record via variable(policyno) and select
from previous policy(as variable) and insert into it.
now the above relation is cascade-update/intergrity enforce...if i keep
this relation it never works, and if i removed it start working can any
one put highlight and share ideas of self query/co-query how to do
this...as i try 100 of methods never success in this
i do have integrity issues, however b4 this i never faced this, can any
one tell with aliases explample if the same table is select and same
table v hve to insert/append what is the best practise method
Public Function Motor_Policy_Insert(strNewPolicy As String,
strOldPolicy As String)
strSQL = "INSERT INTO [tbldetails] (
POLICYNO,PlateNo,InsuredAmt,Premium" & _
" SELECT " & _
" '" & strNewPolicy & "',PlateNo,InsuredAmt,Premium" & _
" FROM tbldetails " & _
" WHERE ((([tblpolicy.POLICYNO)='" & strOldPolicy & "')); "
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
End Function