The description is trivial for most of them:
SELECT : pumps data from the database
UPDATE : explicitly modify existing data in the database
APPEND (INSERT INTO) : explicitly add new records
DELETE : explicitly remove existing rows
MAKE TABLE (SELECT INTO) : explicitly create a new structure (table) in
the database, and supply (some) data to be save into that structure.
CROSS TAB, UNION, TOTAL QUERY: they are a special types of SELECT
DDL statements : they allow to manage the structures (table, index,
data type, access, referential integrity, constraints, ... ). As example,
you can CREATE TABLE, or ALTER then, or DROP them.
With Jet, a QUERY with PARAMETER(S) can be seen as a STORED PROCEDURE
returning data in a 'table' structure. You can also explicitly create a
stored procedure with Jet 4.0 (but it is limited to one SQL statement,
exactly like a query with parameters).
Technically, many database tools, that includes Access, can derive the
UPDATE/APPEND/DELETE query based on the SELECT statement. In Access, that
occurs when you use FORMS and, through forms, you update, append, or delete
the data, while you have only supplied the SELECT statement.
Having even a summarized fly over all the possible syntaxes is out of scope
for a newsgroup message, though. Their possible uses will even be more
colossal. I suggest, among other references, the "Access XXXX Developer's
Handbook (Volume 1)", at Sybex, where XXXX is the Access version which is
of interest: Chapter 5 for Access 2000, as example.
Vanderghast, Access MVP
Abdul Shakeel said:
Hi All MVPs
Could any MVP define & describe uses of all query types use by Ms Access
which is Slect Query, Cross Tab Query, Update Query, Append Query, Delete
Query & Make table Query
Dear Vanderghast,
Thank you for your detailed answer...