Query will not populate with data


Amy Schmid

I am trying to get my query to run but it is giving me an error about SQL.

"The SQL statemtent could not be executed because it contains ambiguous
outer joins. To force one of hte joins to be performed first, create a
separate query that performs the first join and then inlude that in your SQL

I have no idea what the SQL statement is and how to do what the message is

Here is the SQL View on my query:

SELECT dbo_Clients.Cltnum, dbo_Clients.Cltname,
dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Section.FSSection, dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Detail.FSDetailName,
dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Data.FSYear, dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Data.FSAmount,
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.NFSYear, dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[DCQtr12-31PY],
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[DCQtr3-31], dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[DCQtr3-31],
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[DCQtr6-30], dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[DCQtr9-30],
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[DCQtr12-31], dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[MCQtr12-31PY],
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[MCQtr3-31], dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[MCQtr6-30],
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[MCQtr9-30], dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[MCQtr12-31],
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.CWTMilk, dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.OwnHrs,
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.EmpHrs, dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.MlkPr
FROM (dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Section LEFT JOIN (dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Data RIGHT JOIN
dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Detail ON dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Data.FSDetailName =
dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Detail.FSDetailName) ON dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Section.FSSection =
dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Detail.FSSection) LEFT JOIN ((dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_MilkPrice LEFT
JOIN dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data ON dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_MilkPrice.MilkPriceID =
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.MlkPr) LEFT JOIN dbo_Clients ON
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.Cltnum = dbo_Clients.Cltnum) ON dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Data.Cltnum
= dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.Cltnum;

I am using Access 2000.

Thanks in advance!

Jeff Boyce


Open the query in design view.

Look at the lines connecting your tables in the upper window. I'm guessing
one (or more) of them use an arrowhead, but another one (or more) that are
"downstream" do not use that arrowhead.

You can follow the recommendations of the error message and create one query
that does the "first join" that needs to get done, then create a second
query based on the first one.

Or you can change the join lines in the query design view to all point

It would help if you'd explain a bit more about your data, your tables and
the relationships...


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Amy Schmid

Hi Jeff,

I checked the arrows. They are all downstream.

I have 6 tables, 5 are access tables and one is a SQL table.

SQL table is Clients (connects to our Practice Management program)
Access tables are as follows:
NFS_MilkPrice (connected from NFS_MilkPrice table to NFS_Data table via
milkprice line)
FS_Section (connected from FS_Section table to FS_Data table via FSSection
FS_Detail (conncted from FS_Detail table to FS_Data table via FSDetailName

I need to connect to the Client table via the NFS_Data table and the FS_Data
table via the client number. My arrows go from NFS_Data to Client and then
from FS_Data to Client all via the client number.

I hope that helps expain things better. I really appreciate your help.
There are three of us here who have work with our Access Database and none of
us created our database just maintained it. We are struggling in creating
this new portion of our database.

Jeff Boyce said:

Open the query in design view.

Look at the lines connecting your tables in the upper window. I'm guessing
one (or more) of them use an arrowhead, but another one (or more) that are
"downstream" do not use that arrowhead.

You can follow the recommendations of the error message and create one query
that does the "first join" that needs to get done, then create a second
query based on the first one.

Or you can change the join lines in the query design view to all point

It would help if you'd explain a bit more about your data, your tables and
the relationships...


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Amy Schmid said:
I am trying to get my query to run but it is giving me an error about SQL.

"The SQL statemtent could not be executed because it contains ambiguous
outer joins. To force one of hte joins to be performed first, create a
separate query that performs the first join and then inlude that in your

I have no idea what the SQL statement is and how to do what the message is

Here is the SQL View on my query:

SELECT dbo_Clients.Cltnum, dbo_Clients.Cltname,
dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Section.FSSection, dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Detail.FSDetailName,
dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Data.FSYear, dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Data.FSAmount,
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.NFSYear, dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[DCQtr12-31PY],
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[DCQtr3-31], dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[DCQtr3-31],
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[DCQtr6-30], dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[DCQtr9-30],
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[DCQtr12-31], dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[MCQtr12-31PY],
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[MCQtr3-31], dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[MCQtr6-30],
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[MCQtr9-30], dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[MCQtr12-31],
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.CWTMilk, dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.OwnHrs,
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.EmpHrs, dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.MlkPr
FROM (dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Section LEFT JOIN (dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Data RIGHT JOIN
dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Detail ON dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Data.FSDetailName =
dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Detail.FSDetailName) ON dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Section.FSSection =
dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Detail.FSSection) LEFT JOIN ((dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_MilkPrice LEFT
JOIN dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data ON dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_MilkPrice.MilkPriceID =
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.MlkPr) LEFT JOIN dbo_Clients ON
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.Cltnum = dbo_Clients.Cltnum) ON
= dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.Cltnum;

I am using Access 2000.

Thanks in advance!

Amy Schmid

I created two queries. One for the NFS tables and then another for the FS
tables. The queries both ran and populated as expected.

I then created a query that combined the two mentioned above. My combo
query does not populate properly. It only populated the FSSection and the
other fields are blank.


Amy Schmid said:
Hi Jeff,

I checked the arrows. They are all downstream.

I have 6 tables, 5 are access tables and one is a SQL table.

SQL table is Clients (connects to our Practice Management program)
Access tables are as follows:
NFS_MilkPrice (connected from NFS_MilkPrice table to NFS_Data table via
milkprice line)
FS_Section (connected from FS_Section table to FS_Data table via FSSection
FS_Detail (conncted from FS_Detail table to FS_Data table via FSDetailName

I need to connect to the Client table via the NFS_Data table and the FS_Data
table via the client number. My arrows go from NFS_Data to Client and then
from FS_Data to Client all via the client number.

I hope that helps expain things better. I really appreciate your help.
There are three of us here who have work with our Access Database and none of
us created our database just maintained it. We are struggling in creating
this new portion of our database.

Jeff Boyce said:

Open the query in design view.

Look at the lines connecting your tables in the upper window. I'm guessing
one (or more) of them use an arrowhead, but another one (or more) that are
"downstream" do not use that arrowhead.

You can follow the recommendations of the error message and create one query
that does the "first join" that needs to get done, then create a second
query based on the first one.

Or you can change the join lines in the query design view to all point

It would help if you'd explain a bit more about your data, your tables and
the relationships...


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Amy Schmid said:
I am trying to get my query to run but it is giving me an error about SQL.

"The SQL statemtent could not be executed because it contains ambiguous
outer joins. To force one of hte joins to be performed first, create a
separate query that performs the first join and then inlude that in your

I have no idea what the SQL statement is and how to do what the message is

Here is the SQL View on my query:

SELECT dbo_Clients.Cltnum, dbo_Clients.Cltname,
dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Section.FSSection, dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Detail.FSDetailName,
dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Data.FSYear, dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Data.FSAmount,
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.NFSYear, dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[DCQtr12-31PY],
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[DCQtr3-31], dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[DCQtr3-31],
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[DCQtr6-30], dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[DCQtr9-30],
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[DCQtr12-31], dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[MCQtr12-31PY],
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[MCQtr3-31], dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[MCQtr6-30],
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[MCQtr9-30], dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[MCQtr12-31],
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.CWTMilk, dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.OwnHrs,
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.EmpHrs, dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.MlkPr
FROM (dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Section LEFT JOIN (dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Data RIGHT JOIN
dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Detail ON dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Data.FSDetailName =
dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Detail.FSDetailName) ON dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Section.FSSection =
dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Detail.FSSection) LEFT JOIN ((dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_MilkPrice LEFT
JOIN dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data ON dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_MilkPrice.MilkPriceID =
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.MlkPr) LEFT JOIN dbo_Clients ON
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.Cltnum = dbo_Clients.Cltnum) ON
= dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.Cltnum;

I am using Access 2000.

Thanks in advance!

Jeff Boyce

Consider posting the SQL statements of your three queries...


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Amy Schmid said:
I created two queries. One for the NFS tables and then another for the FS
tables. The queries both ran and populated as expected.

I then created a query that combined the two mentioned above. My combo
query does not populate properly. It only populated the FSSection and the
other fields are blank.


Amy Schmid said:
Hi Jeff,

I checked the arrows. They are all downstream.

I have 6 tables, 5 are access tables and one is a SQL table.

SQL table is Clients (connects to our Practice Management program)
Access tables are as follows:
NFS_MilkPrice (connected from NFS_MilkPrice table to NFS_Data table via
milkprice line)
FS_Section (connected from FS_Section table to FS_Data table via
FS_Detail (conncted from FS_Detail table to FS_Data table via

I need to connect to the Client table via the NFS_Data table and the
table via the client number. My arrows go from NFS_Data to Client and
from FS_Data to Client all via the client number.

I hope that helps expain things better. I really appreciate your help.
There are three of us here who have work with our Access Database and
none of
us created our database just maintained it. We are struggling in
this new portion of our database.

Jeff Boyce said:

Open the query in design view.

Look at the lines connecting your tables in the upper window. I'm
one (or more) of them use an arrowhead, but another one (or more) that
"downstream" do not use that arrowhead.

You can follow the recommendations of the error message and create one
that does the "first join" that needs to get done, then create a second
query based on the first one.

Or you can change the join lines in the query design view to all point

It would help if you'd explain a bit more about your data, your tables
the relationships...


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

I am trying to get my query to run but it is giving me an error about

"The SQL statemtent could not be executed because it contains
outer joins. To force one of hte joins to be performed first, create
separate query that performs the first join and then inlude that in

I have no idea what the SQL statement is and how to do what the
message is

Here is the SQL View on my query:

SELECT dbo_Clients.Cltnum, dbo_Clients.Cltname,
dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Section.FSSection, dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Detail.FSDetailName,
dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Data.FSYear, dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Data.FSAmount,
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.NFSYear, dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[DCQtr12-31PY],
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[DCQtr3-31], dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[DCQtr3-31],
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[DCQtr6-30], dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[DCQtr9-30],
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[DCQtr12-31], dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[MCQtr12-31PY],
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[MCQtr3-31], dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[MCQtr6-30],
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[MCQtr9-30], dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.[MCQtr12-31],
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.CWTMilk, dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.OwnHrs,
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.EmpHrs, dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.MlkPr
FROM (dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Section LEFT JOIN (dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Data RIGHT JOIN
dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Detail ON dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Data.FSDetailName =
dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Detail.FSDetailName) ON dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Section.FSSection
dbo_ajs_Ag_FS_Detail.FSSection) LEFT JOIN ((dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_MilkPrice
JOIN dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data ON dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_MilkPrice.MilkPriceID =
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.MlkPr) LEFT JOIN dbo_Clients ON
dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.Cltnum = dbo_Clients.Cltnum) ON
= dbo_ajs_Ag_NFS_Data.Cltnum;

I am using Access 2000.

Thanks in advance!

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