Query with dates




Need help badly...


I have two tables: TasksMonday(and more tables like TasksTuesday etc till
Friday) and SignoffMonday(and more tables like SignoffTuesday etc till
Friday). Idea is that user can print a report (using reports)on Monday(or for
any other day) which gives him tasks to do on Monday(or any other day). He
then signsoff his tasks using forms and the data is stored in table
SignoffMonday(or other appropriate tables depending upon the day of the
week). There is a common field in both tables "Task Description". The
corresponding day tables are in relationship using this field.


When a user print his "Tasks -to do list for Tuesday", its should
automatically produce "Pending Tasks-Basically Task Description Field" from
Monday apart from Task scheduled for Tuesday. This is checked by using
"Finish Date " field against a corresponding task in table Signoff Monday.

I need to write a query which will produce all tasks (Task description field
from TasksMonday) which do not have a related record in table SignoffMonday.
Now if on Tuesday(This is when the query will be run) the "Finish Day" field
in SignoffMonday is yesterday (Monday) then dont list any tasks as none are
pending but if there are few tasks(Looking into TasksMonday) which dont have
a Finsh Date entry in SignoffMonday, then they needs to be listed. Also the
query needs to ignore task finsh dates from previous weeks as the Tasks
repeat everyweek and I am only interested in current week. Query needs to
ignore signoffs for tasks from previous weeks.....

Please advise...


The advice is to normalize your tables in to a single table and use a query
with prompt for which day of the week task report you want. This query can
then also pull all task not completed.

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