This has had me stuck for 2 days! I have a query that I build/run in VB and
it returns no rows (gets EOF). I copy the SQL to the query designer and it
returns 13 rows. Anyone got any idea why before I go crazy?
FROM ((tblPackages AS P
INNER JOIN tblPkgTypes AS T ON T.ID = P.TypeID)
INNER JOIN tblPkgDates AS D ON D.PkgID = P.ID)
INNER JOIN tblPkgDateTypes AS DT ON DT.ID = D.DateTypeID
WHERE T.PkgType LIKE '*5-Year*'
AND (D.ActualDate >= #1/1/2008# AND D.ActualDate <= #12/31/2008#
OR (D.TargetDate >= #1/1/2008# AND D.TargetDate <= #12/31/2008#
AND D.ActualDate IS NULL))
AND DT.DateType = 'Research begin'
strSQL = "SELECT P.ID" & _
" FROM ((tblPackages AS P" & _
" INNER JOIN tblPkgTypes AS T ON T.ID = P.TypeID)" & _
" INNER JOIN tblPkgDates AS D ON D.PkgID = P.ID)" & _
" INNER JOIN tblPkgDateTypes AS DT ON DT.ID = D.DateTypeID" & _
" WHERE T.PkgType LIKE '*5-Year*'" & _
" AND (D.ActualDate >= #1/1/2008# AND D.ActualDate <=
#12/31/2008# OR (D.TargetDate >= #1/1/2008# AND D.TargetDate <= #12/31/2008#"
& _
" AND D.ActualDate IS NULL))" & _
" AND DT.DateType = 'Research begin'"
rs2.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If Not rs2.EOF Then
MsgBox rs2.RecordCount, , "# Packages opened for 5-Year Review"
MsgBox "EOF", , "EOF"
End If
-- Dorian
"Give someone a fish and they eat for a day; teach someone to fish and they
eat for a lifetime".
it returns no rows (gets EOF). I copy the SQL to the query designer and it
returns 13 rows. Anyone got any idea why before I go crazy?
FROM ((tblPackages AS P
INNER JOIN tblPkgTypes AS T ON T.ID = P.TypeID)
INNER JOIN tblPkgDates AS D ON D.PkgID = P.ID)
INNER JOIN tblPkgDateTypes AS DT ON DT.ID = D.DateTypeID
WHERE T.PkgType LIKE '*5-Year*'
AND (D.ActualDate >= #1/1/2008# AND D.ActualDate <= #12/31/2008#
OR (D.TargetDate >= #1/1/2008# AND D.TargetDate <= #12/31/2008#
AND D.ActualDate IS NULL))
AND DT.DateType = 'Research begin'
strSQL = "SELECT P.ID" & _
" FROM ((tblPackages AS P" & _
" INNER JOIN tblPkgTypes AS T ON T.ID = P.TypeID)" & _
" INNER JOIN tblPkgDates AS D ON D.PkgID = P.ID)" & _
" INNER JOIN tblPkgDateTypes AS DT ON DT.ID = D.DateTypeID" & _
" WHERE T.PkgType LIKE '*5-Year*'" & _
" AND (D.ActualDate >= #1/1/2008# AND D.ActualDate <=
#12/31/2008# OR (D.TargetDate >= #1/1/2008# AND D.TargetDate <= #12/31/2008#"
& _
" AND D.ActualDate IS NULL))" & _
" AND DT.DateType = 'Research begin'"
rs2.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If Not rs2.EOF Then
MsgBox rs2.RecordCount, , "# Packages opened for 5-Year Review"
MsgBox "EOF", , "EOF"
End If
-- Dorian
"Give someone a fish and they eat for a day; teach someone to fish and they
eat for a lifetime".