

Andre Adams

I have a very interesting question. I have some data that I need to
summarize into a query. First of all, let me begin by telling you that I
have a table that stores all of my daily trade data with the following fields.

1. Account Number
2. Account Name
3. Symbol
4. Description of the Symbol
5. Settlement Date
6. Tran (Either Buy or Sell)
7. Shrs/Contr (Shares or Quantity)
8. Trade Price (Price on the trade)
9. Commission Amount

From this table I want to pull the following:

1. Total Commission (for the month)
2. Total shares (for the quarter)
3. Average cost per share (Commission divided by the shares)
4. Total Commission (Year to date)
5. Total Number of shares (Year to date)
6. Average cost per share (Year to date)

It seems, to me, that this is a complicated equation. I don't have the
slightest idea as to how to begin. Can somebody help?


Why do you need a query for? You may be better of creating group reports. You
can add textboxes (containing the formulas needed for totals and/or averages)
to the reports and group/sort as needed. You may need a parameter query if,
let's say you need summary information for a specific account number

Andre Adams

Ok. I can create a report. In this report I have commission for the month,
commission for the quarter and commission for the year. How do I get all of
that data with only one settlement date parameter? If I put in between 2
parameters, it automatically discounts the other two.

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