Querydefs not working?


Paul Fenton

I have a query with this parameter in the field [ExtractedSSN]:


When I run that from the query window, it shows me 3 records.

Now, I have this code:

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Set db = CurrentDb
Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("qDuplicateSubjects")

' find out how many subjects are already there with this ID

With qdf
.Parameters("forms!frmDuplicateSubjects!ExtractedSSN") =_
Set rsSubject = .OpenRecordset()
End With

rssubject.recordsource only shows ONE record!

What am I missing?

Paul Fenton
(e-mail address removed)

Allen Browne

The RecordCount returns the number of records accessed so far. When you
first OpenRecordset, that is typically 1 if there are any, or 0 if there are

To get the actual count:
Debug.Print rsSubject.RecordCount

This one is #2 in the list of traps in article:
VBA Traps: Working with Recordsets - Bugs you need to avoid

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