querying between Access and PervasiveSQL




Hopefully a stupid question...

I have two databases, one in Access which is my "scratch file"
database - where I do tests and write queries, and then the original
source database in Pervasive SQL, which is a piece of junk that we are
trying to move away from, *but* it contains all our patient data.

I get sets of patient data imported nightly into the temporary
database, and I need to do some calculations and update that back to
the Pervasive table. When I run the query against 70K records, it
takes forever and crashes. I'm updating what should be bit fields in
Pervasive. Am I just getting lazy/spoiled by Access, which apparently
will accept long integers etc as boolean values? (anything zero is
false, anything else is true). Also, Should I be indexing my
temporary table's unique ID? (Probably!!!!) It's one of those things
thats hard to test, because I can't mess with live data as if it were
just dummy data...

Any ideas? I think I have to explicitly cast the results as boolean
or do a comparison (x=y) so that the result is a logical boolean.
What about the indexing? Would that speed things up significantly?


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