gmazza via AccessMonster.com
Hey there,
I used to work with Oracle and they had a SQL Navigator program that you
could connect to a database and then in an empty window type in statements
Update Country
Set FlagNo = 2
Where Country Code like "CH*"
You would run it, it would say updated 43 rows and then you would hit the
commit buttong or type in commit and run the commit and boom it was done.
Is there something like that in Access where I can type it in rather than
choosing an Upodate query and choosing fields. I rather type cause I can say
what I want better that way.
I used to work with Oracle and they had a SQL Navigator program that you
could connect to a database and then in an empty window type in statements
Update Country
Set FlagNo = 2
Where Country Code like "CH*"
You would run it, it would say updated 43 rows and then you would hit the
commit buttong or type in commit and run the commit and boom it was done.
Is there something like that in Access where I can type it in rather than
choosing an Upodate query and choosing fields. I rather type cause I can say
what I want better that way.