question about a code to "save as"



i have a command button on a spread sheet that, when clicked, will sav
the spread sheet in a folder and name it, depending what is in certai
cells. my problem is where i want it saved.

right now, i have all spread sheets being saved into one certai
folder, but i would like the spread sheet to be saved into a folde
that is specified in cell d2.

this is the code i have now.

Sub Save_As_FileName()
FName1 = Range("d2").Value
FName2 = Range("d3").Value
FName3 = Range("d5").Value
FName4 = Range("d6").Value
Fname5 = Range("d7").Value
pth = "f:\bids\"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=pth & FName2 & " " & FName3 & " "
FName4 & " " & Fname5 & " " & FName1 & ".xls", _
FileFormat:=xlNormal, CreateBackup:=False
End Sub

I have tried changing the pth="f:\bids\" to many different things an
can't seem to figure it out.

any help? Thanks


Sometimes Excel does not seem to like doing too much work in one go. Tr
this :-



i see how that would create the file name, but i am not understandin
how that will save the workbook into a file designated by the text tha
is typed into cell d2.

i would still need the pth="f:\bids\" ?

in f:\bids i have 4 folders... bdg, ear, gjg and jpr (sales re
in cell d2 one out of the four is typed.

i would like the workbook saved into one of those folders when th
command button is clicked


Sorry ... add the path at front as you do already :-

MyFileName =pth & FName2 .. etc

Dave Peterson

I've never seen excel fail in code like yours. But I have failed to ensure that
there was good stuff in those cells.

I'd use BrianB's technique and then add a line like:

msgbox myfilename

right before the saveas command. Then I could see if I'm getting the ranges
from the correct worksheet.

I think I'd be a little more careful here:

with worksheets("sheet1")
FName1 = .Range("d2").Value
FName2 = .Range("d3").Value
FName3 = .Range("d5").Value
FName4 = .Range("d6").Value
Fname5 = .Range("d7").Value
end with

(My guess is you're getting the values from the wrong worksheet.)

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