Question about a tricky Do...While loop



I have a userform with a _bunch_ of checkboxes on several different pages of
a UserForm...

On the last page of the Userform are 24 multi-column comboboxes with
corresponding labels that are used for calculations...

Every time I check/uncheck a box somewhere in the userform, an item gets
added to a *single* combo on that last page (not all work yet - still adding
code to them). What I would like to do is have that single checked/unchecked
item be added/removed to all 24 combos on the last page..

It's kind of hard to explain, I guess. Below is the code I came up with to
add/remove items to/from *one* combo. I would like help with adding to this
code to include all combos 1-24. I'm thinking a loop would do it,
but I'm terrible with loops. I usually crash machines when I try to program
them and I was extremely happy when I came up with the code that
adds/removes... so go easy on me! :) (ok, ok here's the code)

Public getCount, Counter, Check

Private Sub s4500_Click()
If s4500.Value = True Then
getCount = calcbox.ListCount
With calcbox
.AddItem "Tearoff Existing"
.List(getCount, 1) = rd_totalsqs.Text
End With
s4500a.Enabled = True
s4500a.Text = rd_totalsqs.Text
s4500b.Enabled = True
Check = False
Counter = 0
getCount = calcbox.ListCount
Do While Counter <> getCount
If calcbox.List(Counter, 0) = "Tearoff Existing" Then
calcbox.RemoveItem (Counter)
Check = True
Exit Do
Counter = Counter + 1
End If
Loop Until Check = True
s4500a.Enabled = False
s4500a.Text = "0000"
s4500b.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub



The code below should help you out or at least give you an idea of
where to start. To test add the code to a new module then on the
userform add a multipage, on the first page add a checkbox and on the
second page add as many comboboxes as you want.

'Add this code to a new module
Option Explicit
Dim CboBox() As New Class1
Dim Ctrl As Control
Dim i, X, Counter As Integer
Dim ChckVal
Sub AddToAllComboboxes()
ChckVal = UserForm1.MultiPage1.Pages(0).CheckBox1.Caption
i = 1
For Each Ctrl In UserForm1.MultiPage1.Pages(1).Controls
If TypeOf Ctrl Is MSForms.ComboBox Then
Set Ctrl =
UserForm1.MultiPage1.Pages(1).Controls("ComboBox" & i)
Ctrl.AddItem ChckVal
i = i + 1
End If
Next Ctrl
End Sub
Sub RemoveFromAllComboboxes()
i = 1
For Each Ctrl In UserForm1.MultiPage1.Pages(1).Controls
If TypeOf Ctrl Is MSForms.ComboBox Then
Set Ctrl =
UserForm1.MultiPage1.Pages(1).Controls("ComboBox" & i)
Counter = Ctrl.ListCount
X = 0
Do While X < Counter
Ctrl.ListIndex = (X)
If Ctrl.Value = ChckVal Then
Ctrl.RemoveItem Ctrl.ListIndex
End If
X = X + 1
i = i + 1
End If
Ctrl.Value = ""
Next Ctrl
End Sub

Then add this code to the click event of the checkbox

Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
If UserForm1.MultiPage1.Pages(0).CheckBox1.Value = True Then
End If
End Sub

Hope this is of some help to you


PS isn't it hard to do IT on the Roof???


Hey thanks for the code. I'll see what I can do with it. Some pieces I'll
have to change due to naming conventions, but I *think* I understand what the
code is doing. I'll let you know in a bit!

Oh yeah... and no, it's not hard to do it on the roof at all.
Laptop + broadband card = freedom! :)

Thanks again - J


Well damn. The code looked good, however... it's halting at
"Set Ctrl = projectinfo.multiform1.pages(7).Controls("calcbox" & i)"
with the error "Can't find the object specified" - Can't quite figure out
why, but I'll kepp pluggin' away...


Hey there

It is a multipage you're using???

Did you try just running a test run by making a test userform to see
how it works?? I am at home today and I wrote the code in work
yesterday, when I tried to run it I got a problem with the first line
in the module "Dim CboBox() As New Class1" though that was easily
sorted by adding a new class module to the project (must have had one
yesterday from the different variation I had tried to get this
running) after that the code runs fine for me though I admit it is
just a basic test scenario...

If you want to post a more descript version of what you are doing
(With names for controls and the like) I will try to take a look at it
and see what I can figure out.

So are you a real roofer then with shingles, buckets of tar, flashing
and all that fun stuff!!! Or is it more a take on "fiddler on the
roof", which now that I think about it when you think of internet
access and fiddling it conjures a very rude image lol.


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