Question about automatic alignment of images pasted into Visio 200



I want to paste an image from another app. into Visio2003. I want it to
automatically snap to the top-left corner of the printable area of the grid.
I want to copy & past a second image (aligned both vertically & horizontally)
parallel to the first, with half an inch of white space between them. How
can I do this?

J Kallay

Are you asking how to get shapes to align in a certain way through the Visio
UI, or how to do it using automation? If it's the latter, you'd be better
off asking the question in the visio.developer or visio.developer.vba group.


Thanks for the response J, but neither. I have a very long table of contents
from a compiled help file (.CHM) and I'm taking screen shots of the whole
thing, because there is no way to print-out the TOC structure from w/ a CHM.
However, in an effort to save paper, I want to get 2 columns' worth of data
onto a single page with a Landscape orientation.

Here's my current procedure:
1) Copy TOC pane from CHM
2) Paste into Visio. -- By default, Visio places the pasted image smack in
the middle of the desginated print area.
3) I drag the image to the up and left.
4) I copy the second portion of the TOC from the CHM
5) I paste it into Vistio, again, it's smack in the middle of the page.
6) I use Shapes > Align to align the tops of the images
7) I drag the second image right, & still need to mannuallymake sure there
is half an inch of space between them, because having changed the settings
for automatic spacing to 1/2" seems to have no effect on what I paste in,
only on what I pull from the Shapes pane.

What I *want* is to be able to configure the default location for images
pasted into Visio from outside of Visio.


Paul Herber

Thanks for the response J, but neither. I have a very long table of contents
from a compiled help file (.CHM) and I'm taking screen shots of the whole
thing, because there is no way to print-out the TOC structure from w/ a CHM.

..chm files can be decoded quite easily to text and html files. Google
for it.
Been there, done it, it works.

John Marshall, MVP

One thing to consider is creating a file folder of the images and then by
using some VBA code, import the images into Visio, adjusting the location as
you go through the folder. has some examples of VBA code of looping through a
folder and positioning shapes. A combination of the code for "Convert CGM to
Stencil" and "Stencil Printout" should give you the code you need.

John... Visio MVP

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