Question about Dialog form



Dear All,
I'm trying to create a dialog.

I have two text boxes in my main form ( txt_A and txt_B)
and two command button ( OK_cmd and cmd_Cancel ).

Then in my dialog form,I have two combo boxes ( cbo_1 and cbo_2)
and two command button ( Continue_cmd and Cancel_cmd).

Let say,OK_cmd in my main form will print a report when be clicked.
But before printing the report,I need to bring up the dialog form first.
Then select from cbo_1 for the value of txt_A and from cbo_2 for txt_B.
After the dialog completed, the code continue to print report.
How to do that? And how to handle if the user click cancel_cmd on
the dialog form that means printing action must be cancelled?

Please advise.



Dear Mr.Kallal,
I was unable to get 2 returned value from the dialog form at once
..How to modified the code so that I can get 2 return value for
txt_A and txt_B.

I work with access 2000.

Albert D. Kallal

rahmad said:
Dear Mr.Kallal,
I was unable to get 2 returned value from the dialog form at once
.How to modified the code so that I can get 2 return value for
txt_A and txt_B.

I work with access 2000.

Did you read that article?

from that aritcle, the code is:

if isloaded(strF) = true then
' code goes here to example values
strName = forms(strF)!ThenameField
strSex = forms(strF)!GenderField
' ok, got our data...lets close the form (don't forget this!!)
docmd.Close acForm,strF

Note how 2 values are returned in the above example...

I suggest you try the idea(s) in that article. As the code shows, you can
grab (return) as "many" values you want from that the form you called as
shown above.....

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