Question about how pull a Data of combobox



Hi all.
I think it's pretty easy but I don't know why it does not work with me..I
have made this question before but the answer it does not work.

I want tu pull a data from a first Form to sencond form.
the field in both first & second form are: Combobox
Combo name in first form is:combo1
Combo name in second form is:ud

source of Combo1:
SELECT Users.UserID, [LastName] & " , " & [FirstName] AS Name,
Users.Password, Users.OrderPerson, Users.ApproverPerson,
Users.ReceiverPerson, Users.AdminPerson, Users.Active FROM Users WHERE
(((Users.Active)=Yes)) Or (((Users.Active)=Yes)) ORDER BY Users.Password;

source of ud:
SELECT Users.UserID, [LastName] & " , " & [FirstName] AS Name FROM Users;

Here is the statements that I have but it does not work, could you help me

(e-mail address removed)

Private Sub OpenOrders_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_OpenOrders_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "Orders" 'Data Base name

stLinkCriteria = "[ud]=" & Me![Combo1].Column(1)

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description

Resume Exit_OpenOrders_Click

End Sub

Andy Couch - UK Access User Group

I am not sure if I fully understand your problem here. In that both your
combo boxs appear to take data from the same table Users. But here is an
example of linking to combo boxes on different forms together.

On the first form called frmOrders

You have a combo box called cboOrderId

On the second form.

You have a combo box displaying order details. The where clause links the
tow together.

SELECT [Order Details].ProductID
FROM [Order Details]
WHERE ((([Order Details].OrderID)=[Forms]![frmOrders]![cboOrderId]));

Hope this helps.


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