Question about InfoPath and SQL Databases

  • Thread starter Dave Shaw [MVP - Directory Services]
  • Start date

Dave Shaw [MVP - Directory Services]


We are trying to create some forms in InfoPath to support some
administrative work flow. The first one is a Resume form.

When the form is created in InfoPath, the fields are linked back to a SQL
database. That database has tables that have a one-to-many relationship and
have defined primary and foreign keys. Personal information is required
(and entered) only once and is stored in a separate table in the SQL
database. Other information such as skills, work experience, etc. is the
information that has many relationships with the personal information. The
skills, work experience, etc. all have their own tables withini the database
and they are linked through a primary and foreign relationship to the
personal information table.

When the InfoPath form is created, the personal information is placed in its
own section on the form. The skills and work experience are created in a
repeating section (also tried a repeating table). However, when an
additional line is added to the skills and so forth, InfoPath creates a new
personal information row as well - a one-to-one relationship.

I have tried to create new groups under the main groups. To this group I
have added the InfoPath fields and linked the required SQL table field - but
get the same result. This section has the creation of the sections - and
repeating sections - but with the same result.


I need to know how to create a one-to-many relationship form in InfoPath on
the same form. If I have to link to other forms etc. that would be
helpful - but an example would be great. I have not found what I need to
create this in the current literature.

InfoPath has examples of resumes and expense forms that contain the
functionality that I require (Repeating tables and sections), but they don't
link back to databses. They are all InfoPath forms with InfoPath fields and
they don't link to a SQL database. That seems to be where the trouble lies.

Any ideas?


Adam Harding


I have achieved something VERY similar myself linking to an !ACCESS!
database, woe is me....

OK What you need to do is to have ALL your tables in the required
one-to-many relationship WITHIN Infopath as well as in SQL.

If you mail me at (e-mail address removed) then i can mail you a
screenshot of what the setup needs to look like in infopath.

Cheers Adam

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