Question about linking Project Files


Charlie S.

Hello Everyone,
Show some mercy on me here, I have just been introduced to Project less then
two weeks ago. My boss wanted someone to learn Project 2007 (It is new to all
of us) so he gave me the program and the "Step by Step Book".
Our company builds custom trucks. To begin I would like to have each truck
with it's own Project file, it looks like each truck will get pretty in
depth. I would then like to have one master file tying all the trucks in
More information in general. Each truck will have about 100 tasks associated
with it. Each task will have Man hours and budget amounts with it. We will
use each Truck file on the production floor the most and management will use
the Master file to see the overall picture and use the Cash Flow report. From
the time a contract is sign to the time a truck is delievered can be 3 months
to a year. I appreciate any help that is given. I am looking forward to
really learning more about Project 2007.

Mike Glen

Hi Charlie,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

However good a book may be, Project is not very intuitive to learn and it
will be a slow task. I would thoroughly recommend at least a 2-day
introduction to Project course to get you up and running quickly.
Meanwhile, I cover multiple projects in my free series for beginners on
Microsoft Project in the TechTrax ezine, particularly #17 & #18, at this
site: or this:
(Perhaps you'd care to rate the articles before leaving the site, :)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Charlie S.

I will look over the links this weekend. Thanks right now I can use any
advice. Hey, I am half way through the book! (but 1% of the knowledge I'll


Hi Charlie!

To consolidate project files into one large project, you inser
projects into a host project file, often
referred to as the consolidated project file.
Use Insert/Project menu for that.
Each project that you insert appears as a summary task in
the consolidated project file, and Project calculates inserted project
the same way as summary
tasks. An icon in the Indicator field identifies an inserted project.
You can insert projects at any outline level. The level at which a
inserted project appears depends
on the outline level that appears at the location where you intend t
insert a project. To insert a
project, simply select the task that you want to appear below th
inserted project; Project then
inserts the project above the selected task. Typically, an inserte
project appears at the same level as
the selected task. However, if the task that is above the selected tas
is indented farther than the
selected task, the inserted project appears at the same level as tha
indented task. Or, if the task
that’s above the selected task is at the same level or outdente
farther than the selected task, the
inserted project appears in the outline at the same level as th
selected task.

Hope it helps.

José Miguel Piñeres

Hi Charlie,

To add up a little on Denis' advice, as you can see, inserting single
projects into a master project is not that difficult. Things get a little
tougher when we involve resources, and you are going to need that for the
management to get a cash flow report. In order to do this, you are going to
need to create a resource pool.

I would suggest you go over all the topics (specially the last one) included
in the following link:

I hope this will be useful to you. Let us know how you get along.

Charlie S.

Hello Everyone,
Thanks for all the replies. I have now inserted my files and learning about
the resource pool. I be back with more questions.

Thanks Again,

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