question about opening SQL results in Excel from ASP.NET via XML


Mad Scientist Jr

From an web page I want the user to open the results of a SQL
query in Excel, as automatically as possible (ie not having to loop
through columns, rows, in code).

For this, dataset.writexml works great
(got the code from )

The only question I have is, when Excel opens up, it isn't the view I
would prefer. It opens as a read-only workbook, I would prefer as an
xml list.

If I look at the method

exc.Workbooks.Open(filename:=Server.MapPath("") &

there are additional parameters
Open (Filename As String, [UpdateLinks As Object], [ReadOnly As
Object], [Password As Object], etc...

that I haven't found any documentation on, but might allow me to
specify the "xml list" format. I am guessing the "format" parameter
would be it, but I don't know what to pass in. Can anyone help?


PS If I try opening the XML file locally from Excel, it prompts:

Open XML
Please select how you would like to open this file:
(x) As an XML list
( ) As a read-only workbook
( ) Use the XML Source task pane
[OK] [Cancel] [Help]

I choose the first option and click OK and Excel then prompts:

Microsoft Office Excel
The specified XML source does not refer to a schema. Excel will create
schema based on the XML source data.
[ ] In the future, do not show this message.
[OK] [Help]

I click OK and it opens in Excel in the format I want.

PPS Here is the full code from

01-15-2003, 04:04 PM
Here's an example. The variable "ds1" in the code below is a DataSet
with a single DataTable (I used the SQL Server sample pubs database
table to test this) . I haven't tested it with multiple DataTables.

You need to add a COM reference to the Microsoft Excel Object Library.
sample used the Microsoft Excel 10.0 Object Library -- a version which
read XML files. As Constance noted, you may need to write some other
type to import the data into earlier versions of Excel.

' create a DataSet
Dim ds As New ds1()

' choose a file name for the output
Dim filename As String = "c:\authors_data.xml"

' open the connection and fill the DataSet
' Sample used "SELECT * FROM Authors" as the query

' delete any existing file
If File.Exists(filename) Then
End If

' save the DataSet in its default XML format

' clean up

' create an Excel Application object and make it visible
Dim exc As New Excel.Application()
exc.Visible = True

' open the saved file

' show it
exc.ActiveWindow.Visible = True

This uses Excel's defaults for the column headings, etc. and because of
way the DataSet persists itself in XML, the name of the DataSet shows
up in
the spreadsheet. You could easily get rid of the unwanted values or
column names by either processing the saved XML before loading it into
Excel, or by using Excel's object model to delete and modify the data
loading the XML file. Finally, you could accomplish this same result
going through an intermediate file by iterating through the DataSet and
stuffing the data directly into Excel worksheet cells.

Ken Tucker [MVP]


I would not automate excel from a website. This is probably the best


Mad Scientist Jr said:
From an web page I want the user to open the results of a SQL
query in Excel, as automatically as possible (ie not having to loop
through columns, rows, in code).

For this, dataset.writexml works great
(got the code from )

The only question I have is, when Excel opens up, it isn't the view I
would prefer. It opens as a read-only workbook, I would prefer as an
xml list.

If I look at the method

exc.Workbooks.Open(filename:=Server.MapPath("") &

there are additional parameters
Open (Filename As String, [UpdateLinks As Object], [ReadOnly As
Object], [Password As Object], etc...

that I haven't found any documentation on, but might allow me to
specify the "xml list" format. I am guessing the "format" parameter
would be it, but I don't know what to pass in. Can anyone help?


PS If I try opening the XML file locally from Excel, it prompts:

Open XML
Please select how you would like to open this file:
(x) As an XML list
( ) As a read-only workbook
( ) Use the XML Source task pane
[OK] [Cancel] [Help]

I choose the first option and click OK and Excel then prompts:

Microsoft Office Excel
The specified XML source does not refer to a schema. Excel will create
schema based on the XML source data.
[ ] In the future, do not show this message.
[OK] [Help]

I click OK and it opens in Excel in the format I want.

PPS Here is the full code from

01-15-2003, 04:04 PM
Here's an example. The variable "ds1" in the code below is a DataSet
with a single DataTable (I used the SQL Server sample pubs database
table to test this) . I haven't tested it with multiple DataTables.

You need to add a COM reference to the Microsoft Excel Object Library.
sample used the Microsoft Excel 10.0 Object Library -- a version which
read XML files. As Constance noted, you may need to write some other
type to import the data into earlier versions of Excel.

' create a DataSet
Dim ds As New ds1()

' choose a file name for the output
Dim filename As String = "c:\authors_data.xml"

' open the connection and fill the DataSet
' Sample used "SELECT * FROM Authors" as the query

' delete any existing file
If File.Exists(filename) Then
End If

' save the DataSet in its default XML format

' clean up

' create an Excel Application object and make it visible
Dim exc As New Excel.Application()
exc.Visible = True

' open the saved file

' show it
exc.ActiveWindow.Visible = True

This uses Excel's defaults for the column headings, etc. and because of
way the DataSet persists itself in XML, the name of the DataSet shows
up in
the spreadsheet. You could easily get rid of the unwanted values or
column names by either processing the saved XML before loading it into
Excel, or by using Excel's object model to delete and modify the data
loading the XML file. Finally, you could accomplish this same result
going through an intermediate file by iterating through the DataSet and
stuffing the data directly into Excel worksheet cells.

Mad Scientist Jr

Thanks for your reply. That's a lot of code, and it involves
hard-coding an XSLT file specific to your dataset. My application is an
Intranet-only app that runs ad-hoc queries. I suppose I could modify it
to iterate through the result set columns and build the XSLT on the
fly, but would automating Excel from a Web site on a secure Intranet be
bad? I would really prefer just specifying the correct format parameter
in the method...

I would not automate excel from a website. This is probably the best


Mad Scientist Jr said:
From an web page I want the user to open the results of a SQL
query in Excel, as automatically as possible (ie not having to loop
through columns, rows, in code).

For this, dataset.writexml works great
(got the code from )

The only question I have is, when Excel opens up, it isn't the view I
would prefer. It opens as a read-only workbook, I would prefer as an
xml list.

If I look at the method

exc.Workbooks.Open(filename:=Server.MapPath("") &

there are additional parameters
Open (Filename As String, [UpdateLinks As Object], [ReadOnly As
Object], [Password As Object], etc...

that I haven't found any documentation on, but might allow me to
specify the "xml list" format. I am guessing the "format" parameter
would be it, but I don't know what to pass in. Can anyone help?


PS If I try opening the XML file locally from Excel, it prompts:

Open XML
Please select how you would like to open this file:
(x) As an XML list
( ) As a read-only workbook
( ) Use the XML Source task pane
[OK] [Cancel] [Help]

I choose the first option and click OK and Excel then prompts:

Microsoft Office Excel
The specified XML source does not refer to a schema. Excel will create
schema based on the XML source data.
[ ] In the future, do not show this message.
[OK] [Help]

I click OK and it opens in Excel in the format I want.

PPS Here is the full code from

01-15-2003, 04:04 PM
Here's an example. The variable "ds1" in the code below is a DataSet
with a single DataTable (I used the SQL Server sample pubs database
table to test this) . I haven't tested it with multiple DataTables.

You need to add a COM reference to the Microsoft Excel Object Library.
sample used the Microsoft Excel 10.0 Object Library -- a version which
read XML files. As Constance noted, you may need to write some other
type to import the data into earlier versions of Excel.

' create a DataSet
Dim ds As New ds1()

' choose a file name for the output
Dim filename As String = "c:\authors_data.xml"

' open the connection and fill the DataSet
' Sample used "SELECT * FROM Authors" as the query

' delete any existing file
If File.Exists(filename) Then
End If

' save the DataSet in its default XML format

' clean up

' create an Excel Application object and make it visible
Dim exc As New Excel.Application()
exc.Visible = True

' open the saved file

' show it
exc.ActiveWindow.Visible = True

This uses Excel's defaults for the column headings, etc. and because of
way the DataSet persists itself in XML, the name of the DataSet shows
up in
the spreadsheet. You could easily get rid of the unwanted values or
column names by either processing the saved XML before loading it into
Excel, or by using Excel's object model to delete and modify the data
loading the XML file. Finally, you could accomplish this same result
going through an intermediate file by iterating through the DataSet and
stuffing the data directly into Excel worksheet cells.

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