Question about range values with Set =



I'm having a problem trying to get Set = to allow a split range.

I'll explain. I have a custom function that allows you to get data from
another Workbook, one of the lines of code is this...

Set r = xlwb.Sheets(1).Range(Mid(xref, n + 1))

r is a Range variable. this is my problem variable.
xlwb is a Workbook variable that has already been set and is working fine.
xref is a string which contains (among other things) the range we want.
n is a variable which denotes where to find the range in xref. Again this is

I get a problem when I the Range(Mid(xref, n + 1)) evaluates to this...

Range(("A1:A10, C1:C10"))

I'm not sure if the syntax is wrong as I'm using the Set command or what.

Any help would be gratefully received.



What is the problem? An error message or no error message but something
you don't expect.
If it is an error message, the prblem may not be with this line of
code, even though the VBE says it is. So people need to see the code.
If it is something you don't expect, say what you do expect ansd say
what you get. Again, people may need to see your code.


The problem is that is does not select the second range. In my example, only
the A1:A10 would be brought over and not the C1:C10. No error messages, it
just doesn;t seem to pick up the 2 ranges.

I will include all of the code if you wish, however it is quite long and I'm
not sure if it will add much value.


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