question about sorting & subtotaling


Steve Chatham

I have an excel workbook that shows the results of an SQL query.

In it, I have a customer number, customer name, other data, and a number of
cases ordered. Each of the rows contains a product code in it that is the
result of the query.

I would like to be able to have the user expand the subtotaled lines in it,
and see what case quantities they had on certain skus.

However, they also want it subtotaled and sorted from highest to lowest.

Col A contains the customer number, column B contains the name. Column H
contains the number of cases.

As you know, subtotaling only gives you one field you can subtotal on, and I
need the results from 2 in that line that displays with the word Total at
the end when I'm done with subtotaling.

I'm not sure how to use 2 columns as input when the subtotal function only
gives you the ability to choose one. Am I missing something here, or is
there another way to do this?



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