question for excel how to have linked sum in column?


Jon Danziger

Hi, I have a column that is full of Y's and N's as values. I am constantly
adding to this column so for example- on day one I might have 50 Y's and 50
N's in this column and day 2 i might have 100 Y's and 50 N's in this same
column. How do I make a chart/table in excel that will automatically give me
the current # of Y's and N's in this column as well as their respective

So if I checked on day 1, this chart will tell me I have 50 Y's and 50 N's
(in column C for example) and that 50% of the values are Y and 50% are N. On
day two the chart will tell me I have 100 Y's and 50 N's and that 66.67% are
Y and 33.33% are N.

Earl Kiosterud


=COUNTIF(A2:A2000, "y")
=COUNTIF(A2:A2000, "n")

=COUNTIF(A:A, "n")

They'll count Y and y, N and n.

For %, you can use:
= C1 / (C1 + C2)
= C2 / (C1 + C2)
where C1 and C2 contain the formulas above. Or you could use a stacked
column chart.

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