Question - how to...



Here's the question:

I have a word document that I use in over 50 court districts. The document
is identical the only thing that is different between them is the court name
and address.

So I have 50 documents saved, 1 for each court, my question - since the
document I used is identical between the courts, is there a way to use only
"1" document but build in some kind of pull-down menu that would allow me to
pick what court name and address that I want in the document?

This way instead of sorting through 50 saved documents looking for the court
I need, I could just open 1 document and then pick the court I want.

If anyone knows if this is at possible, it would be very much appreciated.



Shauna Kelly

Hi Todd

There are several ways to do this. Here are two. But in any case, you need
to create a template. And when you need to create a new document, do File >
New and select your template.

Option 1 - use 50 AutoTexts.
In your new template, create a style that will hold the name and address of
the courts. Using that style, create 50 AutoTexts, one for each court. You
can then create your drop down list in one of two ways.

For basic info about autotexts, see
Using AutoText

You then need to create the drop-down list of those AutoTexts.

You could use an AutoText list in the template. That will put a drop-down
list at the space you specify in the template. See:
How to add pop-up lists to any Word document, so you can click your way
through changes in seconds

And/or you could drag the Autotext button to a toolbar. This will give you a
drop-down list from the toolbar of your 50 courts. To do that, first make
sure your template is open. Now, Tools > Customize. On the Commands tab,
make sure that the "Save in" box refers to your template. Still on the
Commands tab, in the Categories list, choose Insert. In the Commands box,
find the entry that says AutoText with a right-pointing arrow (you do *not*
want the one that says AutoText....). Drag the one with the arrow to a

Option 2 - store the court info in an Excel file, and use that to populate a
VBA user form, and use the selection in that form to add the data to the

As one way to get the data out of the Excel file, see:
Load a ListBox from a Named Range in Excel using DAO

On how to create the user form:
How to create a Userform

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

Charles Kenyon

Answered duplicate post in another newsgroup.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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