Question Masking my URL


Jon Rodman

Hi John,

I love the VWs. It is interesting to see the european models. I used to
drive a 1986 VW Jetta Turbo Diesel US version. It was very efficient. I
have been considering getting a 1999 Jetta or Passat TDI. VW is really
building some nice diesels.

If I were to take a guess about your issue, I would start inquiring with
your web host. If not the host then I would inquire with whom you
registered your domain.

I use Network Solutions to register the domain name and use their forwarding
service to point to 4Dwebhosting who hosts my site. It may not be the
optimal setup, but it works without any problems. Next year when the domain
name has to be renewed I am going to try to have it registered with the same
organization that I use to host. Then it will all be in one place and there
will not need to be any forwarding.

Either way the address bar should reflect the correct url.

I am going to made a second guess. I am a beginner at web design so be
warned that I may be incorrect. The second guess may be a better guess than
the first one. I think you should be publishing to http:/www.
If you cannot publish to that url then there is a problem with your host.
If you are trying to have your site hosted in some free space that comes
with your internet service provider then you may not be able to have the url
show in the address bar. You will need to get a regular web hosting


Jon Rodman

Hi John,
I use 4DWebhosting and it only costs $4.95 per month. You can have the
address you want, and probably lots more space plus email addresses with.
They do not put any advertisements on your space. There are other hosting
companies also.
It is cheap and works well.

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