Question: need an expert opinion



My website is up and running, but friends have replied that either they are
getting placeholders where graphics should appear; or the page isn't loading.
I had my ISP tech support check the website and they say it's loading from
their end.

Would someone with more experience than myself please take a moment to look
at this website and tell me if it's running alright; and if there is anything
I can do to make this website more "user friendly?" It's really important to
me as I built this site for entertainment purposes for people in my health
support group. It's a "comedy club" of sorts.

Your help is deeply appreciated, believe me!


Thomas A. Rowe

Your problem is that links to images and your sound files point back to your local HD. This cause by
either not opening a web / site first in FP prior to working on the content of your web or you did
not import the image/sound files into your current open web / site before using them.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
a Service Pack or security update, please contact
Microsoft Product Support Services:
If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.


Thank you so much. Now I understand the question that was asked about
uploading images that were on the server and did I want them removed from
/ssmith4359. I thought that meant there would be no graphics, etc. I know,
stupid, but I'm a novice, so this is a lesson learned.

Thank you again.

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