Question not answered



This site is great-I would have given up on Access a long time ago if it
weren't for this site and the grat people who take their own time to help us

Twice, I have had questions unanswered and also have clicked on interesting
questions by others that were unanswered. What does it mean?. Unanswerable
or too stupid a question, or just lost in the shuffle?

Rob Giordano [MS MVP]

Probably means you're asking them in the wrong newgroup...this one is for
FrontPage a web authoring program...Access is a database program.


When ask a Question how do I make website not working?
To get a good answered help to get a link the the page or it may go un

When ask a Question how can I make my Move Maker work?
To get a good answered help to go to the right Newsgroups or it may go un

David B.

It means that no one answered the question. It could be any of the reasons
you cited, or another, like the wrong group.

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